Flexible Silicone Cable
RC Charger Cable
Inverter Battery Cable
Photovoltaic Solar Cable
RC Battery Connectors
Banana Plug Connectors
Anderson Powerpole Connectors
Energy Storage Connector
Insulated Alligator Clips
Nakamichi Banana Plugs
Radio Frequency Antennas
Multimeter Test Leads
Lipo Safe Bag
Automobile Wire Harness
Motorcycle Wire Harness
Electronics Wire Harness
QC Profile
1: With no problem ,
Order be arranged→IPQC Confirm the first piece→Okay→mass production→Inspection→Okay→Continue Producing→100%full function test→
Okay→Appearance full inspection→Packaging and going into finished product warehouse
2:With problem
Order be arranged→IPQC Confirm the first piece→NG→deal with problem→mass production→Inspection→NG→deal with the problem→continue producing→100%full function test→NG→deal with the problem→Apperance full inspeciton→NG→deal with the problem→Packaging and going into finished product warehouse